德州仪器 CPSW 以太网驱动程序

多队列 & CBS & MQPRIO

cpsw 为每个外部端口有 3 个 CBS 整形器。本文档基于示例描述了 cpsw 驱动程序的 MQPRIO 和 CBS Qdisc 卸载配置。它有可能用于音频视频桥接 (AVB) 和时间敏感网络 (TSN)。

以下示例已在 AM572x EVM 和 BBB 板上进行了测试。


考虑在双 emac 模式下运行 cpsw 驱动程序的 AM572x EVM 的两个示例。


  • TX 队列必须从具有最高优先级的 txq0 开始进行评级

  • 流量类别从具有最高优先级的 0 开始使用

  • CBS 整形器应与评级队列一起使用

  • CBS 整形器的带宽必须设置得比潜在的传入速率稍高,因此,所有传入 tx 队列的速率必须稍低

  • 实际速率可能会因离散性而有所不同

  • 将 skb-priority 映射到 txq 是不够的,还必须使用 ip 或 vconfig 工具创建 skb-priority 到 l2 prio 映射

  • 任何用于类的 l2/套接字优先级 (0 - 7) 都可以使用,但为了简单起见,使用默认值:3 和 2

  • 仅测试了 2 个类:A 和 B,但已检查并且可以使用更多类,最多允许 4 个,但只能为 3 个速率设置。


                                    |--+                            |
                                    |  |      Workstation0          |
                                    |E |  MAC 18:03:73:66:87:42     |
+-----------------------------+  +--|t |                            |
|                    | 1  | E |  |  |h |./tsn_listener -d \         |
|  Target board:     | 0  | t |--+  |0 | 18:03:73:66:87:42 -i eth0 \|
|  AM572x EVM        | 0  | h |     |  | -s 1500                    |
|                    | 0  | 0 |     |--+                            |
|  Only 2 classes:   |Mb  +---|     +-------------------------------+
|  class A, class B  |        |
|                    |    +---|     +-------------------------------+
|                    | 1  | E |     |--+                            |
|                    | 0  | t |     |  |      Workstation1          |
|                    | 0  | h |--+  |E |  MAC 20:cf:30:85:7d:fd     |
|                    |Mb  | 1 |  +--|t |                            |
+-----------------------------+     |h |./tsn_listener -d \         |
                                    |0 | 20:cf:30:85:7d:fd -i eth0 \|
                                    |  | -s 1500                    |
                                    |--+                            |

示例 1:目标板的单端口 tx AVB 配置方案

(AM572x evm 的打印和方案,适用于单端口板)

  • tc - 流量类别

  • txq - 传输队列

  • p - 优先级

  • f - fifo (cpsw fifo)

  • S - 配置的整形器

+------------------------------------------------------------------+ u
| +---------------+  +---------------+  +------+ +------+          | s
| |               |  |               |  |      | |      |          | e
| | App 1         |  | App 2         |  | Apps | | Apps |          | r
| | Class A       |  | Class B       |  | Rest | | Rest |          |
| | Eth0          |  | Eth0          |  | Eth0 | | Eth1 |          | s
| | VLAN100       |  | VLAN100       |  |   |  | |   |  |          | p
| | 40 Mb/s       |  | 20 Mb/s       |  |   |  | |   |  |          | a
| | SO_PRIORITY=3 |  | SO_PRIORITY=2 |  |   |  | |   |  |          | c
| |   |           |  |   |           |  |   |  | |   |  |          | e
| +---|-----------+  +---|-----------+  +---|--+ +---|--+          |
    +-+     +------------+                  |        |
    |       |             +-----------------+     +--+
    |       |             |                       |
| +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+                   +----+             |
| | p3 | | p2 | | p1 | | p0 |                   | p0 |             | k
| \    / \    / \    / \    /                   \    /             | e
|  \  /   \  /   \  /   \  /                     \  /              | r
|   \/     \/     \/     \/                       \/               | n
|    |     |             |                        |                | e
|    |     |       +-----+                        |                | l
|    |     |       |                              |                |
| +----+ +----+ +----+                          +----+             | s
| |tc0 | |tc1 | |tc2 |                          |tc0 |             | p
| \    / \    / \    /                          \    /             | a
|  \  /   \  /   \  /                            \  /              | c
|   \/     \/     \/                              \/               | e
|   |      |       +-----+                        |                |
|   |      |       |     |                        |                |
|   |      |       |     |                        |                |
|   |      |       |     |                        |                |
| +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+                   +----+             |
| |txq0| |txq1| |txq2| |txq3|                   |txq4|             |
| \    / \    / \    / \    /                   \    /             |
|  \  /   \  /   \  /   \  /                     \  /              |
|   \/     \/     \/     \/                       \/               |
| +-|------|------|------|--+                  +--|--------------+ |
| | |      |      |      |  | Eth0.100         |  |     Eth1     | |
    |      |      |      |                        |
    p      p      p      p                        |
    3      2      0-1, 4-7  <- L2 priority        |
    |      |      |      |                        |
    |      |      |      |                        |
|   |      |      |      |             |----------+                |
| +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+       +----+                         |
| |dma7| |dma6| |dma5| |dma4|       |dma3|                         |
| \    / \    / \    / \    /       \    /                         | c
|  \S /   \S /   \  /   \  /         \  /                          | p
|   \/     \/     \/     \/           \/                           | s
|   |      |      | +-----            |                            | w
|   |      |      | |                 |                            |
|   |      |      | |                 |                            | d
| +----+ +----+ +----+p            p+----+                         | r
| |    | |    | |    |o            o|    |                         | i
| | f3 | | f2 | | f0 |r            r| f0 |                         | v
| |tc0 | |tc1 | |tc2 |t            t|tc0 |                         | e
| \CBS / \CBS / \CBS /1            2\CBS /                         | r
|  \S /   \S /   \  /                \  /                          |
|   \/     \/     \/                  \/                           |
  1. // Add 4 tx queues, for interface Eth0, and 1 tx queue for Eth1
    $ ethtool -L eth0 rx 1 tx 5
    rx unmodified, ignoring
  2. // Check if num of queues is set correctly:
    $ ethtool -l eth0
    Channel parameters for eth0:
    Pre-set maximums:
    RX:             8
    TX:             8
    Other:          0
    Combined:       0
    Current hardware settings:
    RX:             1
    TX:             5
    Other:          0
    Combined:       0
  3. // TX queues must be rated starting from 0, so set bws for tx0 and tx1
    // Set rates 40 and 20 Mb/s appropriately.
    // Pay attention, real speed can differ a bit due to discreetness.
    // Leave last 2 tx queues not rated.
    $ echo 40 > /sys/class/net/eth0/queues/tx-0/tx_maxrate
    $ echo 20 > /sys/class/net/eth0/queues/tx-1/tx_maxrate
  4. // Check maximum rate of tx (cpdma) queues:
    $ cat /sys/class/net/eth0/queues/tx-*/tx_maxrate
  5. // Map skb->priority to traffic class:
    // 3pri -> tc0, 2pri -> tc1, (0,1,4-7)pri -> tc2
    // Map traffic class to transmit queue:
    // tc0 -> txq0, tc1 -> txq1, tc2 -> (txq2, txq3)
    $ tc qdisc replace dev eth0 handle 100: parent root mqprio num_tc 3 \
    map 2 2 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 queues 1@0 1@1 2@2 hw 1


// As two interface sharing same set of tx queues, assign all traffic
// coming to interface Eth1 to separate queue in order to not mix it
// with traffic from interface Eth0, so use separate txq to send
// packets to Eth1, so all prio -> tc0 and tc0 -> txq4
// Here hw 0, so here still default configuration for eth1 in hw
$ tc qdisc replace dev eth1 handle 100: parent root mqprio num_tc 1 \
map 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 queues 1@4 hw 0
  1. // Check classes settings
    $ tc -g class show dev eth0
    +---(100:ffe2) mqprio
    |    +---(100:3) mqprio
    |    +---(100:4) mqprio
    +---(100:ffe1) mqprio
    |    +---(100:2) mqprio
    +---(100:ffe0) mqprio
        +---(100:1) mqprio
    $ tc -g class show dev eth1
    +---(100:ffe0) mqprio
        +---(100:5) mqprio
  2. // Set rate for class A - 41 Mbit (tc0, txq0) using CBS Qdisc
    // Set it +1 Mb for reserve (important!)
    // here only idle slope is important, others arg are ignored
    // Pay attention, real speed can differ a bit due to discreetness
    $ tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 100:1 cbs locredit -1438 \
    hicredit 62 sendslope -959000 idleslope 41000 offload 1
    net eth0: set FIFO3 bw = 50
  3. // Set rate for class B - 21 Mbit (tc1, txq1) using CBS Qdisc:
    // Set it +1 Mb for reserve (important!)
    $ tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 100:2 cbs locredit -1468 \
    hicredit 65 sendslope -979000 idleslope 21000 offload 1
    net eth0: set FIFO2 bw = 30
  4. // Create vlan 100 to map sk->priority to vlan qos
    $ ip link add link eth0 name eth0.100 type vlan id 100
    8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8
    8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth0
    8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth1
    net eth0: Adding vlanid 100 to vlan filter
  5. // Map skb->priority to L2 prio, 1 to 1
    $ ip link set eth0.100 type vlan \
    egress 0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7
  6. // Check egress map for vlan 100
    $ cat /proc/net/vlan/eth0.100
    INGRESS priority mappings: 0:0  1:0  2:0  3:0  4:0  5:0  6:0 7:0
    EGRESS priority mappings: 0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7
  7. // Run your appropriate tools with socket option "SO_PRIORITY"
    // to 3 for class A and/or to 2 for class B
    // (I took at https://www.spinics.net/lists/netdev/msg460869.html)
    ./tsn_talker -d 18:03:73:66:87:42 -i eth0.100 -p3 -s 1500&
    ./tsn_talker -d 18:03:73:66:87:42 -i eth0.100 -p2 -s 1500&
  8. // run your listener on workstation (should be in same vlan)
    // (I took at https://www.spinics.net/lists/netdev/msg460869.html)
    ./tsn_listener -d 18:03:73:66:87:42 -i enp5s0 -s 1500
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39000 kbps
  9. // Restore default configuration if needed
    $ ip link del eth0.100
    $ tc qdisc del dev eth1 root
    $ tc qdisc del dev eth0 root
    net eth0: Prev FIFO2 is shaped
    net eth0: set FIFO3 bw = 0
    net eth0: set FIFO2 bw = 0
    $ ethtool -L eth0 rx 1 tx 1

示例 2:目标板的双端口 tx AVB 配置方案

(AM572x evm 的打印和方案,仅适用于双 emac 板)

+------------------------------------------------------------------+ u
| +----------+  +----------+  +------+  +----------+  +----------+ | s
| |          |  |          |  |      |  |          |  |          | | e
| | App 1    |  | App 2    |  | Apps |  | App 3    |  | App 4    | | r
| | Class A  |  | Class B  |  | Rest |  | Class B  |  | Class A  | |
| | Eth0     |  | Eth0     |  |   |  |  | Eth1     |  | Eth1     | | s
| | VLAN100  |  | VLAN100  |  |   |  |  | VLAN100  |  | VLAN100  | | p
| | 40 Mb/s  |  | 20 Mb/s  |  |   |  |  | 10 Mb/s  |  | 30 Mb/s  | | a
| | SO_PRI=3 |  | SO_PRI=2 |  |   |  |  | SO_PRI=3 |  | SO_PRI=2 | | c
| |   |      |  |   |      |  |   |  |  |   |      |  |   |      | | e
| +---|------+  +---|------+  +---|--+  +---|------+  +---|------+ |
    +-+     +-------+             |         +----------+  +----+
    |       |             +-------+------+             |       |
    |       |             |              |             |       |
| +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+          +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ |
| | p3 | | p2 | | p1 | | p0 |          | p0 | | p1 | | p2 | | p3 | | k
| \    / \    / \    / \    /          \    / \    / \    / \    / | e
|  \  /   \  /   \  /   \  /            \  /   \  /   \  /   \  /  | r
|   \/     \/     \/     \/              \/     \/     \/     \/   | n
|   |      |             |                |             |      |   | e
|   |      |        +----+                +----+        |      |   | l
|   |      |        |                          |        |      |   |
| +----+ +----+ +----+                        +----+ +----+ +----+ | s
| |tc0 | |tc1 | |tc2 |                        |tc2 | |tc1 | |tc0 | | p
| \    / \    / \    /                        \    / \    / \    / | a
|  \  /   \  /   \  /                          \  /   \  /   \  /  | c
|   \/     \/     \/                            \/     \/     \/   | e
|   |      |       +-----+                +-----+      |       |   |
|   |      |       |     |                |     |      |       |   |
|   |      |       |     |                |     |      |       |   |
|   |      |       |     |    E      E    |     |      |       |   |
| +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ t      t +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ |
| |txq0| |txq1| |txq4| |txq5| h      h |txq6| |txq7| |txq3| |txq2| |
| \    / \    / \    / \    / 0      1 \    / \    / \    / \    / |
|  \  /   \  /   \  /   \  /  .      .  \  /   \  /   \  /   \  /  |
|   \/     \/     \/     \/   1      1   \/     \/     \/     \/   |
| +-|------|------|------|--+ 0      0 +-|------|------|------|--+ |
| | |      |      |      |  | 0      0 | |      |      |      |  | |
    |      |      |      |               |      |      |      |
    p      p      p      p               p      p      p      p
    3      2      0-1, 4-7   <-L2 pri->  0-1, 4-7      2      3
    |      |      |      |               |      |      |      |
    |      |      |      |               |      |      |      |
|   |      |      |      |               |      |      |      |    |
| +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+          +----+ +----+ +----+ +----+ |
| |dma7| |dma6| |dma3| |dma2|          |dma1| |dma0| |dma4| |dma5| |
| \    / \    / \    / \    /          \    / \    / \    / \    / | c
|  \S /   \S /   \  /   \  /            \  /   \  /   \S /   \S /  | p
|   \/     \/     \/     \/              \/     \/     \/     \/   | s
|   |      |      | +-----                |      |      |      |   | w
|   |      |      | |                     +----+ |      |      |   |
|   |      |      | |                          | |      |      |   | d
| +----+ +----+ +----+p                      p+----+ +----+ +----+ | r
| |    | |    | |    |o                      o|    | |    | |    | | i
| | f3 | | f2 | | f0 |r        CPSW          r| f3 | | f2 | | f0 | | v
| |tc0 | |tc1 | |tc2 |t                      t|tc0 | |tc1 | |tc2 | | e
| \CBS / \CBS / \CBS /1                      2\CBS / \CBS / \CBS / | r
|  \S /   \S /   \  /                          \S /   \S /   \  /  |
|   \/     \/     \/                            \/     \/     \/   |
  1. // Add 8 tx queues, for interface Eth0, but they are common, so are accessed
    // by two interfaces Eth0 and Eth1.
    $ ethtool -L eth1 rx 1 tx 8
    rx unmodified, ignoring
  2. // Check if num of queues is set correctly:
    $ ethtool -l eth0
    Channel parameters for eth0:
    Pre-set maximums:
    RX:             8
    TX:             8
    Other:          0
    Combined:       0
    Current hardware settings:
    RX:             1
    TX:             8
    Other:          0
    Combined:       0
  3. // TX queues must be rated starting from 0, so set bws for tx0 and tx1 for Eth0
    // and for tx2 and tx3 for Eth1. That is, rates 40 and 20 Mb/s appropriately
    // for Eth0 and 30 and 10 Mb/s for Eth1.
    // Real speed can differ a bit due to discreetness
    // Leave last 4 tx queues as not rated
    $ echo 40 > /sys/class/net/eth0/queues/tx-0/tx_maxrate
    $ echo 20 > /sys/class/net/eth0/queues/tx-1/tx_maxrate
    $ echo 30 > /sys/class/net/eth1/queues/tx-2/tx_maxrate
    $ echo 10 > /sys/class/net/eth1/queues/tx-3/tx_maxrate
  4. // Check maximum rate of tx (cpdma) queues:
    $ cat /sys/class/net/eth0/queues/tx-*/tx_maxrate
  5. // Map skb->priority to traffic class for Eth0:
    // 3pri -> tc0, 2pri -> tc1, (0,1,4-7)pri -> tc2
    // Map traffic class to transmit queue:
    // tc0 -> txq0, tc1 -> txq1, tc2 -> (txq4, txq5)
    $ tc qdisc replace dev eth0 handle 100: parent root mqprio num_tc 3 \
    map 2 2 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 queues 1@0 1@1 2@4 hw 1
  6. // Check classes settings
    $ tc -g class show dev eth0
    +---(100:ffe2) mqprio
    |    +---(100:5) mqprio
    |    +---(100:6) mqprio
    +---(100:ffe1) mqprio
    |    +---(100:2) mqprio
    +---(100:ffe0) mqprio
        +---(100:1) mqprio
  7. // Set rate for class A - 41 Mbit (tc0, txq0) using CBS Qdisc for Eth0
    // here only idle slope is important, others ignored
    // Real speed can differ a bit due to discreetness
    $ tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 100:1 cbs locredit -1470 \
    hicredit 62 sendslope -959000 idleslope 41000 offload 1
    net eth0: set FIFO3 bw = 50
  8. // Set rate for class B - 21 Mbit (tc1, txq1) using CBS Qdisc for Eth0
    $ tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 100:2 cbs locredit -1470 \
    hicredit 65 sendslope -979000 idleslope 21000 offload 1
    net eth0: set FIFO2 bw = 30
  9. // Create vlan 100 to map sk->priority to vlan qos for Eth0
    $ ip link add link eth0 name eth0.100 type vlan id 100
    net eth0: Adding vlanid 100 to vlan filter
  10. // Map skb->priority to L2 prio for Eth0.100, one to one
    $ ip link set eth0.100 type vlan \
    egress 0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7
  11. // Check egress map for vlan 100
    $ cat /proc/net/vlan/eth0.100
    INGRESS priority mappings: 0:0  1:0  2:0  3:0  4:0  5:0  6:0 7:0
    EGRESS priority mappings: 0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7
  12. // Map skb->priority to traffic class for Eth1:
    // 3pri -> tc0, 2pri -> tc1, (0,1,4-7)pri -> tc2
    // Map traffic class to transmit queue:
    // tc0 -> txq2, tc1 -> txq3, tc2 -> (txq6, txq7)
    $ tc qdisc replace dev eth1 handle 100: parent root mqprio num_tc 3 \
    map 2 2 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 queues 1@2 1@3 2@6 hw 1
  13. // Check classes settings
    $ tc -g class show dev eth1
    +---(100:ffe2) mqprio
    |    +---(100:7) mqprio
    |    +---(100:8) mqprio
    +---(100:ffe1) mqprio
    |    +---(100:4) mqprio
    +---(100:ffe0) mqprio
        +---(100:3) mqprio
  14. // Set rate for class A - 31 Mbit (tc0, txq2) using CBS Qdisc for Eth1
    // here only idle slope is important, others ignored, but calculated
    // for interface speed - 100Mb for eth1 port.
    // Set it +1 Mb for reserve (important!)
    $ tc qdisc add dev eth1 parent 100:3 cbs locredit -1035 \
    hicredit 465 sendslope -69000 idleslope 31000 offload 1
    net eth1: set FIFO3 bw = 31
  15. // Set rate for class B - 11 Mbit (tc1, txq3) using CBS Qdisc for Eth1
    // Set it +1 Mb for reserve (important!)
    $ tc qdisc add dev eth1 parent 100:4 cbs locredit -1335 \
    hicredit 405 sendslope -89000 idleslope 11000 offload 1
    net eth1: set FIFO2 bw = 11
  16. // Create vlan 100 to map sk->priority to vlan qos for Eth1
    $ ip link add link eth1 name eth1.100 type vlan id 100
    net eth1: Adding vlanid 100 to vlan filter
  17. // Map skb->priority to L2 prio for Eth1.100, one to one
    $ ip link set eth1.100 type vlan \
    egress 0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7
  18. // Check egress map for vlan 100
    $ cat /proc/net/vlan/eth1.100
    INGRESS priority mappings: 0:0  1:0  2:0  3:0  4:0  5:0  6:0 7:0
    EGRESS priority mappings: 0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7
  19. // Run appropriate tools with socket option "SO_PRIORITY" to 3
    // for class A and to 2 for class B. For both interfaces
    ./tsn_talker -d 18:03:73:66:87:42 -i eth0.100 -p2 -s 1500&
    ./tsn_talker -d 18:03:73:66:87:42 -i eth0.100 -p3 -s 1500&
    ./tsn_talker -d 20:cf:30:85:7d:fd -i eth1.100 -p2 -s 1500&
    ./tsn_talker -d 20:cf:30:85:7d:fd -i eth1.100 -p3 -s 1500&
  20. // run your listener on workstation (should be in same vlan)
    // (I took at https://www.spinics.net/lists/netdev/msg460869.html)
    ./tsn_listener -d 18:03:73:66:87:42 -i enp5s0 -s 1500
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39012 kbps
    Receiving data rate: 39000 kbps
  21. // Restore default configuration if needed
    $ ip link del eth1.100
    $ ip link del eth0.100
    $ tc qdisc del dev eth1 root
    net eth1: Prev FIFO2 is shaped
    net eth1: set FIFO3 bw = 0
    net eth1: set FIFO2 bw = 0
    $ tc qdisc del dev eth0 root
    net eth0: Prev FIFO2 is shaped
    net eth0: set FIFO3 bw = 0
    net eth0: set FIFO2 bw = 0
    $ ethtool -L eth0 rx 1 tx 1